Access control is the process of granting or denying specific requests to obtain and use information and related information processing services.
Ensure that a verified contract satisfies the following high-level requirements:
Category “V2” lists requirements related to the access control mechanisms of the smart contracts.
# | Description |
2.1 | Verify that the principle of least privilege exists, other contracts should only be able to access functions and data for which they possess specific authorization. |
2.2 | Verify that new contracts with access to the audited contract adhere to the principle of minimum rights by default. Contracts should have a minimal or no permission until access to the new features is explicitly granted. |
2.3 | Verify that the creator of the contract complies with the rule of least privilege and their rights strictly follow the documentation. |
2.4 | Verify that the contract enforces the access control rules specified in a trusted contract, especially if the dApp client-side access control is present (as the client-side access control can be easily bypassed). |
2.5 | Verify that there is a centralized mechanism for protecting access to each type of protected resource. |
2.6 | Verify that the calls to external contracts are allowed only if necessary. |
2.7 | Verify that visibility of all functions is specified. |
2.8 | Verify that the initialization functions are marked internal and cannot be executed twice. |
2.9 | Verify that the code of modifiers is clear and simple. The logic should not contain external calls to untrusted contracts. |
2.10 | Verify that the contract relies on the data provided by right sender and contract does not rely on tx.origin value. |
2.11 | Verify that all user and data attributes used by access controls are kept in trusted contract and cannot be manipulated by other contracts unless specifically authorized. |
2.12 | Verify that the access controls fail securely including when a revert occurs. |
2.13 | Verify that there are no vulnerabilities associated with access control. |
For more information, see also: