V4: Communications

Control Objective

Communications includes the topic of the relations between smart contracts and their libraries.

Ensure that a verified contract satisfies the following high-level requirements:

Category “V4” lists requirements related to the function calls between the verified contracts and other contracts out of the scope of the application.

Security Verification Requirements

# Description
4.1 Verify that libraries which are not part of the application (but the smart contract relies on to operate) are identified.
4.2 Verify that contract does not use hard-coded addresses unless necessary. If the hard coded address is used, make sure that its contract has been audited.
4.3 Verify that contracts and libraries which call external security services have a centralized implementation.
4.4 Verify that delegatecall is not used with untrusted contracts.
4.5 Verify that re-entrancy attack is mitigated by blocking recursive calls from other contracts. Do not use call and send function unless it is a must.
4.6 Verify that the result of low-level function calls (e.g. send, delegatecall, call) from another contracts is checked.
4.7 Verify that third party contracts do not shadow special functions (e.g. revert).
4.8 Verify that there are no vulnerabilities associated with communications.


For more information, see also: